Monday, April 28, 2008

The name of An Inconvenient Truth

This movie has this name because Al gore wanted people to aware about the global warming but people don’t like to change their lifestyle and the way that they are used to living such as using car and consuming many things. Many people said these solutions are not suitable because it will affect badly on their life but they don’t know about the future problems that it will cause.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Critical Thinking

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth describes the AL Gore’s travels around the world to inform people about climate change and how it will affect the environment in the future. Al Gore lost The United States presidential election of 2000 because Bush won this election. In this movie Al Gore describes the scientific opinion on climate change and gives some information to educate people that global warning is not insignificant. Al gore said that there were many ice collapses on west Antarctica and in the Greenland there was lots of melting which causes a raise of global water levels. There is much evidence which demonstrate that the amount of carbon dioxide level is increasing rapidly in the atmosphere. The high temperature causes glacier melt which can provide the fresh water for irrigation and domestic use, animals and plants. Many sources say that human caused many damage for the environment because of his activities. Moreover, Al gore talked about his sister who died of lung cancer because she liked smoke cigarettes and the idea was that there was many industries which made harmful products and should stop their activities. In conclusion the effects of global warming can be successfully avoided by releasing less CO2 and planting more vegetation to consume existing CO2.