Saturday, December 11, 2010

MohamedG life

I was born in Abu Dhabi which is one of the most important cities in the Middle East. My father was a policeman but now he is retired. On the other hand my mother looks after my younger brothers and gives them advice. I have a wonderful family which contains 3 sisters and 4 brothers and we spend wonderful times with each other especially at the weekend.

Now I will turn to talk about my life before and after school. Before going to school I just stayed in the house and slept all morning so I didn’t know anything about school and the subjects that I could learn. When I was 5 years old my father registered me in school so it was a huge difference for me because I used to sleep in the morning but now I have to get up early at 7 am. I have some bad memories about my first time in the school because I cried when my father left me there.

I was very active and I had many ambitions when I was a teenager, because in my opinion these years are the golden years for every person. I worked very hard in the school because I realized that the person can achieve his goals by studying and I joined English courses. I made many relationships with my friends and we had many activities like
Camping, playing basketball and camel racing. I liked cars very much like all teenagers and the first car that I bought was a Camry. I was very afraid when I drove it but after that it was very easy for me.

I have traveled to few places like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. In Qatar I visited my uncle who has lived there for a long time and we visited many places like museums and I saw the Qatar heritage which is not very different from UAE heritage. I was very excited when I saw the horse racing because there were many horses from all over the world but my favorite horse is the Arabian horse because his hair is very long and he has more power than others. In Saudi Arabia I visited Jeddah which is a wonderful city with nice location so the weather was very beautiful especially near the sea. I bought many gifts for my friends like ghutras, Arabian perfumes and Swiss watches because Jeddah is one of the most important cities in the Gulf with malls and markets.

In my free time I love to play chess because this sport is not for body but also for the brain. I also enjoy when I go to the cinema because I can watch comedy, action and tragedy movies especially with Sylvester Stallone who I like very much. I like to watch football especially Barcelona and I hope to go to the Camp Nou to see Barcelona players. I have other hobby like collecting stamps for famous player, actors and heritage places and I put them in the album to show my friends when they visit me.

There are many actions that affect a human life like an experience he learned and changed his goals or presentation or movie that caused the person to change his views on a particular issue. In my life there are many actions that happened and affected my behaviour like a movie which talks about poor people who died in Africa because they didn’t have water or food so I said to

myself “ why I don’t put myself in their situation” . We have a lot of money why don’t we donate some of this to poor people instead of wasting it on cheap things. Isn’t human life is more important than other things? So this movie changed my mind about poor people and donating.
In the future I hope to have a nice job with a good salary so to achieve this goal I should work hard. I am looking forward to getting married and living in a huge villa. I would like to be a successful business man so I will choose business major to achieve my purpose.