Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other harmful gases. The name of footprint come from the activity that people do on their life such as driving car and producing harmful gases. In this easy I will describe the reasons and the solutions that we can do it to avoid the footprint. My carbon footprint is 16 tonnes per annum and I need 4 planets like earth to live this type of life.

The most important reason is the harmful gases and CO2 which come from transport such as cars, aircrafts for example when I go to the college I always come by car. Moreover the lifestyle affects the environment badly because we use lots of electricity that produce carbon dioxide for example we use lots of electricity for cooking food, using air condition and leaving the lights open for long time.In addition when I travel by aircraft the air will have high amount of harmful gases.

On the other hand there are lots of solutions that we can do it to keep our environment clear. Firstly why don’t I come to the college with my friend instead of coming by my own car also I should reduce the hours of using my own car. I should change some lifestyle such as using lots of energy for electricity and reduce using the air condition. Thirdly I should reduce travelling in the summer so why not I spend my holiday with my family by visiting the nature places in the UAE.

In conclusion, we shouldn’t depend just on government to make our life clear and without carbon dioxide but all people should work hard to keep the environment clean for next generation

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