Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One Planet Living

The One Planet Living programme is based on ten guiding principles:-

1- Zero carbon this mean the amount of CO2 in the air which out put from human activities and consumption.

2- Zero waste this mean to get rid of something that is not wanted or needed like garbage which can damage the expensive resources.

3- Sustainable transport this mean the different kind of transports that people use and caused many problems for environment such as pollution and climate change.

4- Local and sustainable materials this means process of decomposing and recovering substances such as in industries and manufacturing caused many problems for environment and reduce the advantages for the people.

5- Local and sustainable food this means the low quality of Industrial agriculture which produces food and it causes lots of damage for environment especially when the food is transported.

6- Sustainable water this means the amount of freshwater is declined because of pollution, dry and other human activities which make this water unsuitable for drink.

7- Natural Habitats and wildlife this means there is less of the natural areas such as palms trees, plants and animals areas because of damaging the natural resources by people.

8- Culture and heritage this means that the world becomes more open for people and people don’t care about their heritage and culture so people have less information and knowledge about their country.

9- Equity and fair trade this means that many poor countries produce and sell things which can’t satisfy people’s needs but in rich countries people have enough products which satisfy their ambitions.

10- Health and happiness this means that nowadays people feel happiness although the life becomes more comfortable and healthier so people don’t know the real reasons for contentment .

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