Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why I would/would not like to live in Masdar city

I would like to live in Masdar city because in masdar city I should get rid of my bad lifestyle like using cars so why not I walk to my job instead of using transport.
Moreover in this city I should use less energy and materials so we should think about other solutions especially to control the temperature in the atmosphere for example I shouldn’t use the air condition which increases the amount of CO2 and carbon dioxide. Moreover people will find new methods to have fresh water and clean electricity without causing damage for natural resources. In Masdar city it will be zero-carbon emissions, zero waste and all waste production will be recycled so people should get rid of their activity which causing pollution. Bicycle will be the most important transport and people will not use private car. I like to live in masdar city because there will not be traffic and I can move from one place to another flexibly. People should obey the rules in order to keep our city cool and clean. In masdar city I will not use petrol so I will save my money because the price of fuel is increasing day after day.

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