Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What should be done in Abu Dhabi

The people in Abu Dhabi should be aware that government can’t make Abu Dhabi a cool city without their help so in my opinion I think that we should change our lifestyle in order to improve our city.

1- I think we should inform people about the differences between a cool city and pollution which will affect our children negatively in the future.

2- Media should inform people about the steps that people can do to reduce the amount of CO2 and carbon dioxide such as get rid of harmful fuel

3- Always we should think about clean technology which can make our life easier and without pollution.

4- the people in Abu Dhabi should try to recycle the waste instead of throwing it and the waste water should be recycled and used for agriculture.

5- We can encourage people in Abu Dhabi to keep their city clean and without pollution by giving them lots of examples about clean cities which have less pollution so why can not we become like those cities.

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